Three playful bears – April 10th 2019

Two brown bear watching each other

One of the most exciting bear watching evenings so far was yesterday, on April 10th. Together with two of our tourists, we went to Tusnad area to see the brown bears.

We arrived at the meeting point at 6 PM,, met a group of Hungarian tourists and together with Janos, our ranger – the ”bear whisperer”, we hiked an easy 400 meter trail until we reached the bear hide. We entered quietly and waited for the bears to appear. After a while, we had a huge surprise: three bears appeared at the same time. Coming from different directions, they were cautious at first and looked at each other.

Finally, they found their place and started their routine. One of them, a three year old bear, decided it’s safer to leave, as the others were significantly bigger in size. Better be safe than sorry!

two brown bears feeding

Obviously, the largest, a 250 kilograms male bear, was the king there, as the remaining bear stood nearby and waited. When the wind started blowing, the animals heard something and decided to run away. However, one of them returned and stayed there until we left, at around 8 PM.

inside the bear hide with two tourists

We hoped to see the sunset from the hills around the village of Bixad but it was a bit late so we drove back to Brasov to end a fantastic bear watching day.

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