Bear watching in Tusnad area

Taking photos with a brown bear feeding in the snow

Although it was a cold day, yesterday we had a family from the Netherlands who wanted to see some wild animals, so we offered them a bear watching tour in Tusnad area.

After a 1 hour drive from Brasov we arrived in Baile Tusnad, met the ranger and went deep in the forest. We finally arrived at the first bear hide where we were served with delicious but strong blackberry palinka. Palinka bottles in the bear hideAfter a shot of this strong brandy, we waited quietly for the bears to arrive. Unfortunately, it was a bit early and we only saw a big raven and some birds.A curious raven

We decided to try our luck at the other bear hide, situated near lake St. Anna. Once arrive there, we were served with another shot of palinka and waited. And waited.Bear watching in Tusnad

Suddenly, a beautiful brown bear appeared out of nowhere, right in front of us.

Brown bear in the snow

We spent around 10 minutes taking photos and left the bear hide before it got too dark.

In the end, our guests were delighted with our bear watching tour in Tusnad area, especially because they initially wanted to go to the bear hide near Brasov, but due to fluctuating weather, that wasn’t open for tourists.

You need to know that while the hides near Brasov are more accessible thanks to their proximity to Brasov, the hides near Tusnad are more suitable if you want a better viewing quality. These bear observatories are situated on the ground, so you can see the bears much closer and at the same level. Because they were designed by a professional wildlife photographer, these are perfect if you want to take photos and videos of the brown bears in their natural habitat, away from crowded places.

These hides are hidden deep in the forest and currently, they offer the best bear watching experience in Romania.

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