In case you’re wondering what to do if you meet a bear, let us describe our yesterday’s experience, when we came across a big brown bear. No, it didn’t attack us.
Yesterday we took one of our tourists at the bear hide near Tusnad area. Because of the wind, the animals were shy and before we left, we saw only a bear and a fox. However, the fun started in the last 10 minutes of our visit, when it was already dark. A bear surprised us right when we exited the bear hide. It looked surprised as well! Contrary to horror stories, we were not attacked and the bear acted just like a wild animal: it ran away, keeping a safe distance from our group, crossed the road we were about to descend and stopped on our left side, observing our each move.
There were about 30-40 meters between us and the animal; however, we didn’t feel threatened at all by his presence. We kept calm, we gave the bear the same respect that he gave us and everything went well.
For those who are afraid of these animals we recommend a visit to the bear hide. They will realize that all their fears are in vain. Bears will be scared of any suspicious noise. That’s why we recommend our tourists to keep quiet in the bear hide, not to use the camera flash and put the phones on silent mode. In some cases, the focus assist light was enough to scare the bear away. If you are hiking in the woods and want to avoid a bear encounter, it is best to make as much noise as possible.
And remember, if you meet bear cubs, try to get out of the area. Where there are cubs, there is the mother bear. And she will do anything to protect them.
If you have any questions or you just want to try this wonderful experience, feel free to contattaci and ask for a reservation.