Last weekend we went for another day trip with the main highlight seeing the bears in Romania, but we also admired a bit of Transylvania’s nature, with our Dutch guests.

The weather was a bit moody in Romania lately, so we were a bit concerned. But luckily the day proofed to be a great one.
We started the day tour from Brașov, drove to St Ana lake, and already on the way there we were surprised by having seen a bear cub crossing the street. He stopped out of curiosity and other cars are stopping, but one should never feed the bears coming to the street, this is only teaching them bad habits and in long term putting endangering their lives.
St Ana lake, the only volcanic lake in Romania is always beautiful, surrounded by the forest. And here we spotted a mother bear with a cub, from a big distance. As soon as they noticed us they run into the thick forest. So we didn’t manage to take a good picture.
After a visit to the Mohos pit bog we stopped for lunch and then drove to the bear observatory. Here we had the chance to see two bears and could take better pictures.