In the last day of August 2018 we met some guys and girls in Brasov, while waiting for the cable car, so we proposed them a group bear watching tour in the forests around Brasov. We became friends and told them about activities that can be done near Brașov, including viewing the brown bears.
One day later, they contacted us and asked if we could organize a bear watching tour near Brasov, on Sunday. Normally, we don’t do this tour on Sunday, as our partners from the National Forests Authority have their day off. However, after talking to our friends the rangers, we could happily tell them we can do the tour, so 11 finish people and their Romanian guide went to spend the afternoon admiring the bears and learning about them.
We could quietly observe about 14 bears, including 2 mothers with cubs. One with 3 cubs and one with one shy cub, climbing in the nearby tree when a larger bear showed. If you want to learn more about the brown bears o r if you are interested in joining a group for a bear watching tour, click here!